Happy Birthday! I am One!

I turn one today! What a year it's been. Abah and Mama have survived one year of me. Now, they are getting ready for my baby sister who will arrive in about six months' time. That means she's gonna share the same birthday month as Abah! Hah! Gotcha! Just kidding lah. I think I'm gonna stay baby in the family for quite a while. Check out how I looked just minutes after I came into this world - wrinkly and swollen! In this picture, I couldn't have been older than 20 minutes. Mama was still in the operating theater and Abah

I look at lot better now, thank you. This picture was taken by Abah as I was clowning by our main big window, looking at birds flying around. That's one of my favorite activities at home. You know, these birds are so smart. Every morning - without fail, they fly in groups all the way from Jurong Bird Park to their playground some where - past our apartment. And in the evening, every evening, they fly back home! Amazing isn't it?

Anyway, back to my birthday. Actually we cheated and had already had a small do when my Ozzie cuzzins were in town. I was only 11 months old then but Abah said what the heck. This was the picture we took at Bibik Oya's place. See how stoned I was that Sunday morning. It was a small cake but it was enough to go around and boy, it sure was yummy. Not exactly in the same category as the $90 durian cake Auntie Idah bought some time back. But good enough.

So actually, on the eve of my birthday, Abah, Mama, Bibik Idah and Nenek trooped over to an orphanage with two big cakes. Earlier, we had also gotten some people to cook dinner for my new found friends there. We started with a little prayer and soon I was taking pictures with many of them. We hoped they enjoyed the food we got them - it's not much but I'm glad I celebrated my first birthday with them. I had such a good time ... we'll probably do it again next year.