Crazy Things Parents Do to their Babies
Parents do crazy things sometimes. Like when they think their 3-month old baby's hair is falling out and they go to a barber - an adult barber, mind you - to shave ALL his hair off and subject him to the whatchamacall razor thing. It's been seven months, so I have finally gotten over it and only now do I feel ready to talk about what happened that day.

Many nice men were also smiling at me and of course - like any polite baby would - I smiled back.
Then, one of them started touching my head and soon got going. I was thinkin', hey, what's goin' on here (that's the middle picture for those who are keeping up with this photo diary), but it was too late when I looked in the mirror cos it was all gone!
I was not the happiest camper to say the least. My head itched like goodness-knows-what, and what was worse was they had my hands in mittens and I couldn't scratch my melon!!
But you know what? I think I look better today because of what
happened that day. So thanks Mama, Abah and I appreciate it even though that's one heck of a crazy thing that you as a parent did to your baby.
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